Twenty other worship leaders, you and God, for two full days of worship, encouragement, prayer and fellowship. Don’t miss it!
For more than twenty years we have been offering Worship Leader Summits: two powerful days (Monday afternoon until lunch on Wednesday) of worship, prayer, interaction, encouragement and fellowship. Worship leaders from across the nation will be there, but only about 20. We limit this event to the first worship leaders who sign up. This makes for a very intimate atmosphere.
One first-timer from a very large church that regularly hosts conferences said it was the single, most significant event he had attended all year.
Some have suggested that the name, Summit, is misleading. It’s not a think-tank pow-wow for making futuristic decisions on an international scale. Rather, it’s more of a retreat (some have suggested a two-day therapy session) for worship leaders. The teaching will encourage and challenge you. Worship will renew your first-love. Prayer will give new strength and vision. Come fellowship with like-minded new friends from across North America. Two full days away from your daily responsibilities and drawing close to the Lord. You will be refreshed and renewed!
We don’t know of any other event like this anywhere else. Many worship leaders have said it was the high point of their year. Some of them even make the Worship Leader Summits an annual part of their life.
Full-time, part-time or volunteer, it makes no difference. If you’re the primary worship leader for your church, you’re invited. (We do offer a limited number of spots to apprentice worship leaders attending with the primary worship leader.) You don’t want to miss the powerful times of worship, the meals, and the fellowship with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s an event that will leave a lasting impression on your life and ministry. Don’t miss it!
Although teaching is not necessarily the main focus for these Worship Leader Summits, they will feature the teaching of Tom Kraeuter and, one other hand-picked speaker.
Twenty worship leaders are going to have the opportunity to be refreshed and renewed in powerful ways. You should be one of them!
Here’s what others have said about these Worship Leader Summits:
“I felt like I had my heart removed, repaired and restored.”
“It’s a unique opportunity to hit the pause button in ministry for a time of rest, renewal, refreshment, reflection, worship, teaching and fellowship with other worship leaders.”
“Awesome times of worship with wonderful people in a safe, supportive, creative environment. We laugh…we cry…we meet God…it’s like group therapy for worship leaders!!!”
“I love the fact that such a diverse group of people from so many states and church backgrounds can come together and discover they are not alone and that there is so much common ground with the joys and challenges of worship leading.”
“Spending time with like-minded people who — although from very different backgrounds — are involved in the same type of ministry, is a really uplifting experience.”
“I received the encouragement I needed to go on and press toward the goal… My heart overflows with praise and my eyes overflow with tears because of how He revealed Himself to me. The Summit provided such a sweet time of being with the Lord. I’ve walked away a changed person, and it was perhaps one of the most encouraging events I’ve ever attended.”
“The relationships that have developed from the Summit are wonderful. There’s always someone I can call and ask for prayer or advice. It’s great!”
“God chose to speak to me in a way I never expected. I came away from the Summit re-created and with a passion rekindled.”