Are There Terrorists in Your Church?

Have you ever encountered terrorists in your church? Not guys walking around with AK47s, ready to blast people to smithereens. Church terrorists don’t highjack jets or use explosives. However, they are just as destructive.

You know what’s really alarming about most church terrorists? They don’t even realize they are involved in terrorism. Most of the time they glibly go about destroying churches while thinking they are doing the right thing. They have no clue as to the horrendously destructive consequences of their actions.

Who are these terrorists? Well, at the risk of alarming you, they may be all around you. In fact, you could be one of them. And it’s no laughing matter. This is serious business. The Body of Christ is under attack. Sadly, the foremost attack is coming from within.

This power-packed book will teach you how to identify church terrorists. More importantly, you’ll learn how to stand against and diffuse the attacks.

Think this book isn’t for you? Think again. As a soldier in the trenches, you need this book even more than your pastor does. You’ll be grateful for the straightforward, to-the-point teaching.

By the way, if you enjoy Christian fiction, you’ll love this book. More than one-third of the text is a fast-paced, fictional story with an unexpected twist at the end. When the story is done, the actions of the characters in the story are discussed from a biblical perspective. (93 pages)


Are There Terrorists in Your Church? – paperback
ISBN: 1-932096-31-0

Price: $10.00 $9.00

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